Tuesday 22 April 2014

weight loss and ginger

Aromatic, pungent, and spicy –
ginger adds a special flavor and zest
to many dishes. Ginger is a herb
widely used throughout the world for
treating loss of appetite, nausea,
stomach upset, motion sickness, etc.
But do you know that it can help
you lose weight also?
Working out creates body heat that
helps you burn calories. Ginger also
creates internal heat that revs up
your metabolism. Ginger is nearly
calorie-free, and when used in
cooking or brewed in tea, it can give
you a slight advantage in meeting
your weight loss goals. Ginger is not
a replacement for a calorie-reduced
diet, but it may augment a sensible
eating and exercise plan.
Studies show that ginger creates
thermogenesis, an action that boosts
metabolism. While a great deal of
anecdotal evidence also shows a
connection between ginger
consumption and weight loss in
humans, scientific studies on the
subject remain unpublished.
The dry, fibrous ginger rhizomes are
the ones commonly used as spices,
preservatives and flavoring agents.
The characteristic odor and flavor of
ginger are due to different groups of
phenol compounds such as
gingerols, shogaols and zingerone.
The gingerols are volatile oils which
have been shown to be responsible
for the analgesic, anti-inflammatory,
antibacterial, antipyretic,
gastrointestinal motility and sedative
effects of ginger. These oils also
show promise as anti-cancer drug
candidates in different preliminary
Fresh ginger contains 80.9%
moisture, 0.9% fat, 12.3%
carbohydrate, 2.3% proteins, 2.4%
fiber and 1.2% minerals. Ginger root
or rhizome contains B vitamins,
vitamins A and C as well as iron,
potassium and phosphorus. It is
also rich in dietary fiber.
Ginger Serves as a Digestive Aid
Ginger can improve digestion by
increasing the pH of the stomach
and stimulating the digestive
enzymes. Because ginger also has
high fiber content, it increases
gastrointestinal motility. The
combination of these two effects
means that essential nutrients are
absorbed quickly while the non-
essential foods that cause bloating
and constipation are excreted
quickly. An efficient digestive system
can help process ingested food more
efficiently, and this can contribute to
weight loss because the bulking
parts of ingested foods can be
efficiently processed and eliminated
from the body.
Ginger Improves Metabolism
A number of studies suggest that
ginger is also a thermogenic agent
that can help burn fat. There are
reports that ginger can boost
metabolism by up to 20%. By
increasing the rate of metabolism,
ginger can help burn off some of the
fat stored up in the body. This not
only translates to weight loss but
can also help reduce cholesterol and
triglyceride levels as the body burns
all the fat it is provided.
Ginger for Weight Loss
Ginger is available both as fresh or
dried roots. These can be used in
various ways including in the
preparation of food or to make
ginger tea. As an herbal
supplement, ginger is also supplied
in the form of extracts, capsules,
tinctures and oils.
Ginger should not be given to
children under the age of 2 and
even adults should consult with
their physicians first before taking
ginger especially if they are
currently placed on other drugs or
There are no standard doses of
ginger for weight loss. However, the
maximal daily dose is 4 grams.
Pregnant women should not take
more than 1 gram per day of the
herb. A common way to take ginger
is to make ginger tea by adding ½
teaspoon of the powdered herb to 4
– 6 ounces of hot water. Once
dissolved, the tea can be sweetened
as needed.
Honey and Ginger Juice
The combination of honey and ginger
is excellent to lose weight. Taking
this mixture twice a day will help to
reduce your weight. Ingredients here
are 3 tablespoons of honey and 2
tablespoons of ginger. Extract the
juice from ginger and add 2
tablespoons in a bowl. Add 3
tablespoons of honey to the juice.
Mix it well and drink it twice a day.
Notice the change in your body in a
month’s time.
Ginger Tea
Ginger tea is used for weight
because it increases metabolism,
stimulates circulation and excretion
of toxins.
Ginger tea has a number of
contraindications. You should not
use ginger tea for weight loss if:
You suffer from inflammatory
diseases of the skin
You have a very high temperature
and fever
You suffer the aggravation of
gastric ulcers
You have a wound in the process
of healing
Other health benefits of ginger
It treats respiratory problems,
nausea and vomiting, prevents
morning sickness and loss of
appetite. It is an anti-flatulent,
reduces menstrual pain, relieves
headache. It is used as a treatment
for arthritis. It removes stress, is
good for sleep, is anti-inflammatory,
and improves immunity.

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