Sunday 20 April 2014

What influences the facial hair growth...?

What influences the speed of facial hair growth?
Everyman wants to be able to grow a thick beard or mustache from the age they realize they should be able to. When it comes to thick facial hair, there are a few major factors influencing how much you’ll have.

Hormones. If your hormones are improperly balanced, there’s a good chance you’ll have trouble growing hair.
Genetics. If your dad’s facial hair was thick and fast-growing, yours should be too. Likewise, if he couldn’t grow any, you may struggle with it.
Lifestyle Choices. If you’re not getting balanced nutrition or enough sleep, you may find all your hair is thinning, particularly that on your face.
Medications. Sometimes medicines can influence your facial hair growth.
Nationality. It is important to remember there are nations of people who don’t grow thick facial hair.
Injuries. If you’ve had a neck or head injury, you may have trouble growing facial hair.
How to promote faster facial hair growth?
There are some vitamins which can help your body’s hair production engine, and foods you can eat that have those vitamins.

Vitamin A: This vitamin stimulates the production of sebum, which keeps your hair follicles and skin hydrated – important for healthy-looking hair. You can find it in eggs, meat, cheese, liver, carrots, pumpkin, broccoli, and dark green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin C: Not only is it good for boosting your immune system, it keeps your hair and skin healthy too. Citrus is the standby for natural vitamin C, and you can also find foods such as green peppers, dark green vegetables, potatoes, and tomatoes rich in vitamin C.

Vitamin E: This has long been recognized as key for healthy skin, and can increase blood flow – leading to an optimal environment for hair growth. Foods rich in vitamin E include oils, leafy vegetables, nuts, and beans, and most people get plenty of vitamin E when eating a normal diet. Topical applications can also be beneficial.

Vitamin B3: This also helps boost circulation, which may have a positive effect on hair growth. Reports find that B3 is even more effective when taken with biotin. You can find vitamin B3 in beef, chicken, fish, and wheat germ.

Vitamin B5: Also known as pantothenic acid, B5 not only helps the body use fats and proteins, necessary for healthy hair, it also has been reported to help reduce stress; and stress can definitely inhibit hair growth. It occurs naturally in brewer’s yeast, broccoli, avocado, egg yolks, organ meats, duck, milk, lobster, whole-grain breads, and more.

Folic acid: This vitamin can help promote thicker hair, and is necessary for the growth and repair of hair. It can be found in whole-grain breads and cereals, leafy green vegetables, peas, and nuts.

More Hairy Tips…
Keep Your Face Clean
Hair is grown out of follicles and follicles can get blocked with dirt and grime. If you want to make sure you have nice facial hair, start with making sure to scrub your face twice a day and any time it gets dirty with sweat and oil.

Massage Your Face
Face massage stimulates the follicles on your face. To help get thicker facial hair, try massaging your face for ten to fifteen minutes twice a day.

Eucalyptus Oil
You could generously apply some eucalyptus oil over the chin, sides and the area above the upper lip at night. Eucalyptus oil has certain properties that induce hair growth and rectifies any nutritional deficiencies that may cause reduced facial hair growth.

Manage Your Stress
One of the noted side-effects of stress is hair loss. If your goal is to grow hair, you want to avoid stressful situations, as well as either eating the right foods, or taking vitamin supplements that help your body combat stress. Try yoga, or meditation. Listen to relaxing music. Play sports, work out, or do anything that you prefer for relaxation.

Shave Regularly
Sticking to a regular shaving schedule will help to stimulate follicles to continue producing new growth.

Quit Smoking
Smoking can lower your immunity which will also decrease your hair growth.

Amla Oil & Mustard Leaves
Mix one-quarter cup natural Amla oil


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